

Show available vendors to user

In order to let your user know, which energy brands or manufacturers are currently supported, the endpoint All available vendors helps you to prepare the selection screen for the user. You can use this list as a basis to offer your user which vendors to connect to.


Create connect session and redirect user

The connect session is started by redirecting your user to the URL provided by calling e.g. Connect session for vehicle (endpoint depends on the device type you want to connect). The user will be redirected to the vendors official identity provider (IDP) and will connect the vendor account to the Energy Hub Alliance. When the connect session was successful, the redirect will provide the vendorAccountId as a parameter in the redirect URl. This vendorAccountId is needed for the next steps, to link the devices connected to the vendor account.

The connect session only connects the vendor account of that user. To link the items of that vendor account, follow the next two steps.


Let user pick which devices to connect

The connected vendor account can have several energy devices connected. To see which energy devices are connected to the vendor account, use e.g. List vehicles from vendor (endpoint depends on the device type you want to connect).


Link devices to the Energy Hub Alliance

As a final step, once the user or application deviced which devices should be added, Link vehicles links the devices to the platform. All set! The items are now linked to the Energy Hub Alliance and can be reached through the API. Also, data streaming should begin for the items added.

Sequence Diagram (simplified)