List of all errors and where they occur.
The Energy Hub Alliance uses error codes to indicate success or failure of API requests. HTTP status codes are used to indicate where things went wrong.
- 2XX: indicates success
- 4XX: indicates an invalid request (e.g. a required variable is missing from the request body)
- 5XX: indicates that somethings went wrong on Energy Hub Alliance side (e.g. device is not capable of fulfilling a request).
Common error codes
Error code | Reason | HTTP status |
BAD_REQUEST | Bad request | 400 |
VARIABLE_MUST_NOT_BE_BLANK | Path variable is not present | 400 |
METHOD_ARGUMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH | Failed to convert value to required type | 400 |
MISSING_REQUEST_PARAMETER | Required request parameter is not present | 400 |
MISSING_REQUEST_PART | Required request part is not present | 400 |
MAXIMUM_UPLOAD_SIZE_EXCEEDED | Maximum upload size exceeded | 400 |
UNAUTHORIZED | Unauthorized | 401 |
VENDOR_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND | Requested vendor account is not found. | 404 |
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED | Request HTTP method is not supported | 405 |
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Media type is not supported | 415 |
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS | Too many requests | 429 |
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | An error occurred | 500 |
NOT_IMPLEMENTED | Work in progress | 501 |
VENDOR_IMPLEMENTATION_IN_PROGRESS | Vendor feature implementation in progress | 501 |
VENDOR_CONNECTION_ERROR | Connection cannot be established with Vendor API | 503 |
VENDOR_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR | Authentication error with Vendor API | 503 |
VENDOR_COMMUNICATION_ERROR | Communication error with Vendor API | 503 |
The response with the error code BAD_REQUEST may contain the field validationErrors. This field includes the list of fields that failed the validation check with the error message for each field.
Service specific error codes
Error code | Reason | Service | HTTP status |
USER_LINK_NOT_FOUND | User link not found. | CONNECT | 404 |
REDIRECT_URL_NOT_MATCHING | Provided redirect url does not match partner management redirect url. | CONNECT | 409 |
TELEMATICS_NOT_SUPPORTED | Vehicle does not support telematics. | CONNECT | 405 |
LOCATION_NOT_FOUND | Requested Location not found | LOCATION | 404 |
TARIFF_NOT_FOUND | Tariff not found. | TARIFF | 404 |
TARIFF_ALREADY_ADDED | Tariff already added | TARIFF | 409 |
VEHICLE_NOT_FOUND | Requested Vehicle not found | VEHICLE | 404 |
VEHICLE_ALREADY_ADDED | Requested Vehicle is already added | VEHICLE | 409 |
VEHICLE_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND | Vehicle image not found | VEHICLE | 404 |
VIN_NOT_FOUND | VIN not found | VEHICLE | 404 |
COMMAND_REQUEST_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | Submitting command request is not implemented | VEHICLE | 501 |
COMMAND_NOT_FOUND | Vehicle command not found | VEHICLE | 404 |
COMMAND_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED | Command type for this vehicle is not allowed | VEHICLE | 409 |
HVAC_NOT_FOUND | HVAC not found | HVAC | 404 |
HVAC_SCHEDULES_NOT_AVAILABLE | HVAC schedules not available | HVAC | 404 |
HVAC_ALREADY_ADDED | Hvac has already been added | HVAC | 409 |
HVAC_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND | Hvac image not found | HVAC | 409 |
CHARGER_NOT_FOUND | Requested Charger not found | CHARGER | 404 |
CHARGER_ALREADY_ADDED | Requested Charger is already added | CHARGER | 409 |
COMMAND_REQUEST_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | Submitting command request is not implemented | CHARGER | 501 |
COMMAND_NOT_FOUND | Charger command not found | CHARGER | 404 |
COMMAND_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED | Command type for this charger is not allowed | CHARGER | 409 |
PV_INVERTER_NOT_FOUND | Requested PV inverter not found | HOME_POWER | 404 |
PV_INVERTER_ALREADY_ADDED | Requested PV inverter is already added | HOME_POWER | 409 |
BATTERY_NOT_FOUND | Battery not found | HOME_POWER | 404 |
BATTERY_ALREADY_ADDED | Battery has already been added | HOME_POWER | 409 |
METER_NOT_FOUND | Meter not found | HOME_POWER | 404 |
METER_ALREADY_ADDED | Meter has already been added | HOME_POWER | 409 |